October 17, 2011
On October 17th, 5pm, the CCU Call Me MISTER program will host a forum on childhood education. In the Wall Auditorium, we will screen the movie Waiting for Superman as our feature presentation. Following the movie, we will suggest solutions for improving educational opportunities for our kids. Several of CCU's lead administrators (Pres., VP's, Educ. Dean, Board Members) have agreed to attend.
For those who haven't seen it, here is a synopsis, according to the Sundance Film Festival...the movie's filmmaker reminds us that education "statistics" have names: Anthony, Francisco, Bianca, Daisy, and Emily, whose stories make up the engrossing foundation of WAITING FOR SUPERMAN. As he follows a handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth, Guggenheim undertakes an exhaustive review of public education, surveying "drop-out factories" and "academic sinkholes," methodically dissecting the system and its seemingly intractable problems. The film analyzes the failures of American public education by following the students through the educational system, hoping to be selected in a lottery for acceptance into charter schools.
Here is a link to the movie's website, http://www.waitingforsuperman.com/action/.
Also, here is a link for CCU's Call Me MISTER program, http://www.coastal.edu/admissions/callmemister.html.
Presently, we have 10 male future educators in the program. ALL of the guys have agreed to mentor students at Hope when school re-convenes.
If you are available, your attendance would be greatly appreciated at our special event.